

来源:www.hylnbx.cn   时间:2023-07-28 19:09   点击:290  编辑:admin   手机版

1、The key is how to deal with the slice of toast. Put a piece of toast on the chopping board, mark a box with the tip of a knife about one centimeter along the edge of the bread, and take out the slice in the middle. Cut 3 pieces of luncheon meat and break up the eggs. The amount is one and a half pieces of luncheon meat and one egg for a sandwich.


2、Bring the pan to a low heat, add a small piece of butter and heat it until it melts. The temperature should not be too high, otherwise the butter will be burnt and the color will be ugly.


3、Pour 2 / 3 of the egg liquid into the toast box. If it's not full, shake the pan slightly. It must be light, or the egg liquid will not look good when it flows out Quickly spread a piece and a half of luncheon meat on the unfrozen egg liquid, 

and then quickly cover the cut toast. Be sure to finish before the egg liquid solidifies. If you are worried about slow hands, you can take the pan off the fire temporarily.


4、Use the spatula to gently press the toast, and you can cover it intact. Carefully pour the remaining egg liquid along the edge of the spatula into the gap of the four sides of the toast, and then turn it over. The color is golden. If you like the more burnt one, wait another 30 seconds to turn it over.




sandwich本来是英国东南部一个不出名的小镇,镇上有一位Earl of Sandwich名叫John Montagu,他是个酷山凯爱玩纸牌的人,他整天沉溺于纸牌游戏中,已经到了废寝忘食的地步。仆人很难侍候他的饮食,便将一些菜肴、鸡蛋和腊肠夹在两片面包之间,让他边玩牌边吃饭。



1、The key is how to deal with the slice of toast. Put a piece of toast on the chopping board, mark a box with the tip of a knife about one centimeter along the edge of the bread, and take out the slice in the middle. 

Cut 3 pieces of luncheon meat and break up the eggs. The amount is one and a half pieces of luncheon meat and one egg for a sandwich.


2、Bring the pan to a low heat, add a small piece of butter and heat it until it melts. The temperature should not be too high, otherwise the butter will be burnt and the color will be ugly.


3、Pour 2 / 3 of the egg liquid into the toast box. If it's not full, shake the pan slightly. It must be light, or the egg liquid will not look good when it flows out Quickly spread a piece and a half of luncheon meat on the unfrozen egg liquid, 

and then quickly cover the cut toast. Be sure to finish before the egg liquid solidifies. If you are worried about slow hands, you can take the pan off the fire temporarily.


4、Use the spatula to gently press the toast, and you can cover it intact. Carefully pour the remaining egg liquid along the edge of the spatula into the gap of the four sides of the toast, and then turn it over. The color is golden. If you like the more burnt one, wait another 30 seconds to turn it over.


First, wash your hands.

Put a piece of bread on a plate.

Put a little butter on the bread.

Put some slices of chicken/ham/迟启余码滚旁升egg/on the bread.

Put some lettuce/jam on the bread.

Then put another piece of bread on top.

Cut the sandwich in two pieces and eat!

First, wash your hands.

Put a piece of bread on a plate.

Put a little butter on the bread.

Put some slices of chicken/枝滚ham/egg/on the bread.

Put some lettuce/猛扰余李岩jam on the bread.

Then put another piece of bread on top.

Cut the sandwich in two pieces and eat!

