

来源:www.hylnbx.cn   时间:2023-03-18 18:10   点击:286  编辑:admin   手机版



  1. I am so impressed by the speech you have made.
  2. I really enjoyed your speech.


  1. You have approached the topic from different perspectives.

2. Your speech have been well researched, with good thoughts as well as interesting ideas.

3. You have delivered your speech with good pronunciation, clear articulation with good eye contact and a proper manner.

4. You have been very creative.

5. You have done a good job of grabbing the audiences' attention.

6. You are humorous and enthusiastic through the speech.

7.You made good eye contact with the audiences and used appropriate body language.

8.Your discussion is very logical and I like it very much.

9.You provide a lot of examples to support your speech.

10.Your demonstration is very persuasive.


1.You'd better show your point out straightly.

2.You still need to improve your pronunciation, especially rhythm and sentence stress.

3.Your argument is not deep enough.

4.There is not a transitional word/sentence between two arguments.

以上是在网上摘抄的,下面关于prepared speech&impromptu speech给一点自己的想法:

Prepared speech:

1.Maybe you have so many things which you want to talk about this topic, but you have to choose the most important one that you want the audiences to know instead of trying to include everything in your speech.(找准重点)

2.You must look for ways to keep your audiences engaged in what you say.(不要自嗨)

Impromptu speech:

1.When you have no idea about the topic, try to personalize your speech(tell a relevant story).

2.You need to have a structure for an impromptu speech,like answer/reason/effect.

3.(For topic that need to make choice) You need to make concessions, but remember you must hold your standpoint firmly.




The points are clearly visible to the audience. You have used bullet points for important information and expand on it while presenting instead of writing a long paragraph and reading it word for word.


You used your slides to emphasize what you're saying. The power point is there to add to your speech. When a visual came up, that gave the audience time to process the new information before you tell them the significance of it.


The charts helped you explain a concept in detail. This way, your speech is more interesting as people don't like reading through lots of text to grasp a concept. Informative graphics provided the audience with a new way of looking at what you are trying to tell them.


You have involved the audience in your speech. You talk to the audience with the intention to explain your topic to them - not just to read what is written in the slides and finish off with the speech.


You found ways to inspire your audience. You want to give them an emotional connection to the material you are presenting. This will make them be more enthusiastic about what you are presenting and make the audience understand why it’s important.


The structure of your speech is clear. All of your work was laid out by the logical and well-organized presentation structure.

· The Introduction part hooked the audience and you introduced the main points.

· You used specific examples, facts, stories, and data to help illustrate your point in Body part.

· You have made a good transition between slides. On the Conclusion part, you wrapped up your speech with summarizing your main points.


1. 证据不足,分析不够。

· Have you do some fact-checking to make sure the evidence is accurate?

· The evidence doesn’t support the arguments and analysis made in the speech.

· A truly convincing presentation has to hit on both elements—solid evidence and strong analysis. There are not enough persuasive evidence and analysis.

· The content of the speech didn’t demonstrate your expertise on the subject.

2. 把批评说成建议。

· I would switch sections 1 and 2, and then expand section 3 to include XXXXXX.

· I would cut the second paragraph but then add a review of ongoing projects to the end of the section.

· You had better to outline where we need more information.

3. 给出可操作性的具体建议。


· For your next speech, stick to XXXX and avoid using XXXXX.

· You need to improve your XXXXX.

· You need to adjust your XXXXX.


For example,"What changes do you plan to implement in your next speech?"


· The introduction is not effective.

· You didn’t make your primary argument apparent within the first few sentences.

· It took a while before I figure out what you are getting at.

· The speech is full of distracting tangents that do not relate to the primary topic.

· The speech wasn’t built in a logical manner toward the conclusion.

· After the speech, I have trouble remembering what it was really about.

· Your topic sentences could use some work because they don’t connect back to your theme.

· Your ideas are well-developed, but I’d recommend you to work on your sentence fragments.

· The structure of this speech was not utilized clear, organized, and logical.

· The speech is not easy enough to follow.

· You didn’t make the subject of the speech clear quickly.


· The closing was not strong enough.

· You should tie up all of the main points and give the audience new ideas for using the information they've been given.

· You only summarized the points.

· You outright ignore the main points and go on to a topic that has nothing to do with what the you has been saying.

6、声音大小和快慢Voice Delivery

· You were speaking too loudly, it may seem aggressive.

· You were speaking too quietly, the audience were struggled to listen.

· You tend to speak too quickly without realizing it.

· Pauses that are too short or non-existent don't give the audience opportunities to digest what’s just been said and prepare for what’s about to be said.

· Your pauses were too long so that the audience are distracted.

· You should talk in a way that makes the audience want to keep listening, not tune out.

· You didn’t hold the audience’s attention.

· You didn’t pause for effect at the right time and speak at the proper tempo and volume.

7、身体语言body language

· Make easy, natural eye contact with audience members scattered throughout the crowd. This helps every part of the audience feel included.

· Use natural arm and hand gestures from time to time, especially to emphasize key points.

8、背稿还是脱稿read, memorize, or master the presentation

· You just memorize the speech while not master it.

· It looks like you are reading your speech.

· While briefly checking a page of notes or the current PowerPoint slide is fine, you shouldn’t have your eyes glued to your notes.

· You shouldn’t have memorized the speech word-for-word and recount it in a stiff and robotic way.
