

140 2023-11-20 01:50 admin   手机版

商务谈判课学到了什么知识 英文版

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商务谈判课学到了什么知识 ?

What have you learned in the business negotiation class ?











In today's world economy,already entered a kind of me,I the integration time.Imagine a country which close the country to international intercourse,ego closes to economy growth is almost absolutely impossible.In this irresistible international economic integration tide,many of China's original procts limited to inland enterprises,along with the continuous deepening of reform and opening up,to expand overseas business generated strong interest,and China joined the world trade anization to make visionary Chinese entrepreneur itch for a try,to show vision towards the international market.In addition,in the current global economy grows speed hasten delay at the same time,China national economy still maintained a high state of development,also make foreign investors in the Chinese inland market warmly continuously.

These projects are pleted,regardless of the nature of how,will involve within and beeen enterprises in business munication.In view of cooperative parties ( including enterprises or other economic anizations or indivials ) are different,not only requires the parties before cooperation or cooperation in the process of understanding cooperation projects related to the country's economic background and signed or joined the international treaties and other international habits,but also to the parties based on the cooperative project occurred business norms,and in the process of cooperation involved in economic affairs





Business negotiations in the importance of English

Since China joined the WTO, we have direct contacts with foreign investors increasing importance of international business negotiations on China, it being understood that the negotiating parties in the pursuit of maximizing the benefits of the process, negotiators put forward higher requirements. Because of cultural differences and different political, economic characteristics, the negotiators of the way of thinking, the concept of groups as well as the negotiation is different, therefore, must be a correct understanding of international business negotiations, the existence of cultural differences, geographical differences and differences in attitude towards negotiations







Business negotiations in the importance of English

Since China joined the WTO, we have direct contacts with foreign investors increasing importance of international business negotiations on China, it being understood that the negotiating parties in the pursuit of maximizing the benefits of the process, negotiators put forward higher requirements. Because of cultural differences and different political, economic characteristics, the negotiators of the way of thinking, the concept of groups as well as the negotiation is different, therefore, must be a correct understanding of international business negotiations, the existence of cultural differences, geographical differences and differences in attitude towards negotiations






Negotiation awareness

All procts and services have prices. Price parisons can be difficult to make because of consideration of credit terms, delivery, trade-in allowance, guarantees, quality and other forms of services. What price will proce the greatest profit over a long period of time? There is no way to really determine this price accurately. I s the price too high to proce a large volume? Too low to cover cost? No other area of marketing poerations has been more misundrerstood and subject to so much bad pratice. Many businesses pursre unsound pricing policees fro long periods witheout being aware of it. Prices are determined in various ways. For example, agricultural prices(cotton, wheat) are decided in large central-markets where forces of supply and demand exist. This is pure price petition. Instrial proct prices are decided by large panies. A few petiong sellers control the amout and price of good sold to large numbers of buyers. Although petition is the public goal for most businessese in the U.S., most operate in imperfect pttition. Prices are also set by the gobvernment, particularly for public utility services--railroads, electricity, particularly for public services, etc. When demand increases, prices rise, profits expand and new investmetn is attracted. But we see that there are ohter factors involved. Prices are related to each other in various ways. Ultimately, everything is related in price, since the consumer can buy only so much and must pay for everything out for particular, limited amount of money.

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